Saturday, July 27, 2024

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This section includes information and products geared towards emergency management, for and by Indigenous peoples in Ontario. Each region and community has their own unique needs, so there is a range of topics stored under this theme. This includes emergency planning, floods, fires, support contacts, and evacuations impacting remote First Nations. Resources are organized by product type and topic, with a brief title to describe what is in the link. 

Pour demander une ressource créée par le SAC en français, veuillez envoyer un courriel à Resources have been organized from multiple organizations. A full list of all sources and their acronyms can be found on the home page.  To expand each list of resources, click the plus (+) sign beside each subheading. To close the list, click the minus (–) sign beside each subheading.


  • ISC: Poster, “Evacuations and your mental health” July 2024 - English PDF / French PDF
  • ISC: "Evacuation information for Indigenous Peoples in Ontario" 2024 - English PDF / Image
  • ISC: "Emergency evacuation information for Indigenous Peoples" 2024 - English / French
  • Ontario: Toolkit, “Community Evacuation Management” 2024 - English


  • ISC: Unbranded, “First Nation Health Inventory” 2024 - English
  • coming
  • soon

EXTREME WEATHER (fires, flooding, etc.)

  • ISC: Toolkit, “Mental Health and Extreme Weather” 2023 - English / French
  • coming
  • soon
  • coming
  • soon
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